Top 10 inspiring quotes of BK Shivani

BK Shivani Quotes : Top 10 inspirational quotes of BK Shivani Here are some motivational quotes by BK Shivani which will help you to grow your self-esteem and will give you confidence to live your life peacefully. 1. “ Truth is a debt card- Pay first and enjoy later. Lie is a credit card- EnjoyContinue reading “Top 10 inspiring quotes of BK Shivani”

Top 10 quotes of Benjamin Franklin Quotes

Benjamin Franklin Quotes : Top 10 quotes of Benjamin Franklin Quotes Here are top 10 inspirational quotes of Benjamin Franklin you may like to read. 1. “ When you’re good to others, you’re best to yourself. ” 2. “ Words may show a man’s wit but actions his meaning. ” 3. “ The doors ofContinue reading “Top 10 quotes of Benjamin Franklin Quotes”

Success Quotes

Motivational quotes of Success Success is not only based on materialistic development but also based on your self growth and your self worth. Here are some motivational quotes of success you may help you to think a little more positive to create your own successful life. I hope you will like them. “ The secret ofContinue reading “Success Quotes”

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