Top 10 inspiring quotes of BK Shivani

BK Shivani Quotes : Top 10 inspirational quotes of BK Shivani

Here are some motivational quotes by BK Shivani which will help you to grow your self-esteem and will give you confidence to live your life peacefully.

1. Truth is a debt card- Pay first and enjoy later. Lie is a credit card- Enjoy first and pay later.

2. Every storm do not occur just to harden your life. Some of them remove the obstacles from your journey.

3. A positive mind finds opportunity in everything. A negative mind finds fault in everything.

4. Don’t get upset with little problems because life is like a road and problems are like speed breakers, they save us from big accidents.

5. Mistake is not the first step of success but the fact is a correction of mistake is the first step of success.

6. Don’t revenge, try changing yourself.

7. Successful relations don’t depend on how good understanding we have. But it depends on how nicely we avoid misunderstanding.

8. If you have the ability to turn bad situations into good ones, then you are lucky.

9. Becoming a good person in your eyes is better than to be good in others’ eyes. ” 

10. Make only those thoughts in mind that you want to see happen, the thoughts are seeds and events are its fruits.

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Published by heartofinspiration5

I am Swagatika Mohapatra, the creator of Heart of Inspiration. I always love reading quotes from my MBA and also use to write some quotes by myself and share them with my friends. After listening to their views, gradually I realized that it really motivates them and this is something I always wanted to do is to make someone smile through my words (Quotes). I started writing and collecting quotes that are full of motivation. I have tried my best to bestow a little inspiration through my quotes which may help you to bring little happiness in your busy life and may motivate you to keep your self-esteem high. Please share your love and kindness by reading quotes and sharing your views and also let's spread love and kindness everywhere in this world. Thank You So Much for visiting here. Lots of love.

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